CALLING ON ALL OUR COMMUNITY MEMBERS, FRIENDS, AND SUPPORTERS! Help an undocumented migrant worker and migrants rights advocate from deportation! Please sign our petition at bit.ly/LetDaniloStayPetition and share it to others. So far we have reached out goal of 1000 signatures but we can keep going! Stop Deportations, Regularize Now! Let Danilo De Leon Stay in Canada! We call on Immigration Minister Sean Fraser and Public Safety Minister Marco Mendocino to stop the deportation of worker leader DANILO DE LEON and to allow him to stay. We call on the Canadian government to deliver its promise of a fair and just regularization program for all undocumented workers like Danilo de Leon. In 2009, Danilo came to Canada as a temporary foreign worker. Like thousands of temporary foreign workers, he helped to fill Canada’s labour shortages and continues to contribute to the Canadian economy. Danilo is one of thousands of migrant workers who fell through the cracks of Canada’s immigration system and thus lost his immigration status. Danilo de Leon continues to be a strong advocate for the rights of all migrants, especially those who have no status, in his role as the chairperson of Migrante Canada and as a migrant organizer. Danilo de Leon is also an essential and frontline worker who continues to work as a delivery driver under the ongoing pandemic. The Canadian government shows bad faith when it still has to deliver its promise of a fair and just regularization program for all undocumented workers but continues to deport and detain undocumented migrant workers. Deportations and detentions have to stop. For more information, you can contact Migrante Canada at migrantecanada@gmail.com.